About Us



Meet Pastor Rick

Rick Hanes is an ordained minister, Vietnam veteran, and a retired corporate troubleshooter and “solution guy”. He has been serving in ministry in the areas of leadership coaching and deliverance for over thirty years.

Meet Pastor Barb

Rick Hanes is an ordained minister, Vietnam veteran, and a retired corporate troubleshooter and “solution guy”. He has been serving in ministry in the areas of leadership coaching and deliverance for over thirty years.


they have both been actively serving in ministry in the areas of teaching, training, deliverance, and healing.

Why We Do What We Do

From the Pastors

“The reason that I help broken people that are crushed in their soul is because at one time I was one of them. I was raised in the back hills of the Ozark mountains. It was a different world from most of American life. My mother and stepdad moved me to suburban St. Louis, where my “Hillbilly” language was called a speech impediment, and the other children made fun of me. It hurt me deeply.  Then I went to Vietnam, serving in the infantry for two years. I lost my soul in that war and became a dead man walking. People in the US called us murderers, even my family turned on me. I shut down because of my hurts and wounds. I had no hope in life. I looked for help, but nobody could help me. I tried counselors and psychiatrists, but no one knew how to heal a broken soul. I tried everything, but nothing helped, but gave only temporary relief.

Christians and pastors tried to help me, but their lives were no better than mine. I thought, if there was a God, why did He allow all these things to happen to me (and others). I cried out to God, ‘if you’re real, prove it to me!’ Three weeks later a man knocked on my door that I had never met before and that man said, ‘you’re the one!” I replied, “the one for what?” He then said, “if you are, you’ll know it!” 

He was sent by God to help me out of the minefield of life. Through Jesus using him, that dead man walking became a living soul in Jesus Christ! As a veteran, I completely “came home.”

I cry and weep when I see people who are where I had been. My life passion is to see Jesus set them free, to heal their brokenness, and lead them safely out of the minefield of their life and be all they can be in Him as He has done for me. That is my reason for living. Some use words to make this statement. This is my testimony and my heart’s passion-statement.”

-Rick Haynes

“While I had a normal childhood, I was introduced to the occult at a very young age. By the time I was in high school I was encountering evil spirits “up close and personal” in my life, and I was filled with fear, not knowing how to be freed of them. I tried drugs and they made things worse. I knew who Jesus was, but not how to know Him personally. I knew nothing about His power, His freedom, and His love. I desperately needed a change. I began to search for a way to know God personally, and to find out if Jesus was really real. Jesus came into my life through a prayer meeting, and I received salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit! The Lord began to set me free, starting with freedom from fear!

As I began my journey with Jesus, I joined a college campus ministry when I began to learn about the Bible. Unfortunately, I foolishly married someone who did not love Jesus like I did. I spent 25 years in an abusive marriage. I became broken and angry, and I drifted away from the Lord.

But Jesus loved me even then. He wooed me back to Himself. When my ex-husband left, I was all alone. But Jesus began to put me back together. He patiently brought me back to wholeness. He showed me who He had made me to be. He empowered me to be strong, whole, and free! My passion is to help people become whole, free, and empowered just like Jesus did for me. I have a passion to teach what the Lord has taught me and see others receive His love and His life, to be all He has created them to be.” Then he brought an awesome man of God, Rick, into my life. Jesus has restored everything the enemy stole!

My passion is to see women restored and whole and fulfilled. I believe that women have so much to give. If the Lord can do it for me, He can do it for anyone!”

-Barb Haynes